A cooler, bluer version of the Italian Terra Verte. It lends itself to a landscape palette but more importantly, due to its transparent nature is very useful in imparting subtle tones to a portrait palette.
Originating from the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, over one hundred seventy artist quality oil colors are now made in New Berlin, NY. Each color is milled in small batches to provide a unique expression of each pigment used. For that reason, our paints are not homogeneous, as some colors require a very fine grind that results in a rich, smooth paint, while others are best allowed to retain more texture and provide a little more resistance and less gloss.
Technical Detail
Lightfastness rating |
Opacity / Transparency |
Drying Time |
Medium (2-7 days)
Grind |
Pigment Detail
A cooler, bluer version of the Italian Terra Verte. It lends itself to a landscape palette but more importantly, due to its transparent nature is very useful in imparting subtle tones to a portrait palette.
Originating from the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, over one hundred seventy artist quality oil colors are now made in New Berlin, NY. Each color is milled in small batches to provide a unique expression of each pigment used. For that reason, our paints are not homogeneous, as some colors require a very fine grind that results in a rich, smooth paint, while others are best allowed to retain more texture and provide a little more resistance and less gloss.
Technical Detail
Lightfastness rating |
Opacity / Transparency |
Drying Time |
Medium (2-7 days)
Grind |